Profile PictureJohn Farley

Emerge (home bonus) Weight Loss System: 9 videos & 9 hypnosis audios! ($500 value. All DIGITAL!)

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Transform Your Relationship with Food. Melt Body Fat with Positive Hypnosis! 

Join me a mission to change how individuals lose weight and manage LIFE. 

This is an 8-Week Course that repeats itself until you succeed! You will repeat all the sessions until you achieve your goal weight and then maintain your ideal weight for life. Repeat the sessions several times per month to make progress.  (Powerful Bonus videos have been newly added to this course). 

If you are in a rush, then you can speed up the course at your own pace. However, start at the beginning and do all the videos and audios thoroughly and repeatedly. 

"John Farley is a brilliant hypno-therapist." —  

(Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, PhD — world famous medical doctor.)

Stop trying to change your body and your life with Will Power! 

If you have struggled with your weight only to gain back the pounds, then it means you have internal conflicts that MUST be resolved for you to succeed longterm. 

Let's Find Out If This Product is For You With This Mini-Quiz:

* Do you get the urge to eat when you feel angry, anxious, lonely, or sad? 

* Do you crave food when you have tension in your close relationships?

* Do you become very self-critical and call yourself names?

* Sometimes I feel that I am making up for the deprivation I had as a child.

* Food is fun for me. I might say, "The food makes the party."

* I have not really imagined my life, day to day, at my desired weight. 

Even one "Yes" indicates an issue with food at the subconscious level. 

There is a way to solve overeating, emotional eating and binge eating. 

Regular hypnosis is not usually enough longterm. What will free you from the nightmare of being controlled by food is a dual approach. 

(1) Educate the conscious mind, and...

(2) De-program out negative thoughts — and re-program into the subconscious mind the thoughts and behaviors that lead to success. 

The answer is to end the struggle by stopping self-sabotage and relax and re-program your your mind to the body you desire. 

Harvard Medical School: "Stress-related illnesses cause of 3 out of 4 visits to medical clinics."

Stress causes most people to overeat. Is that you? Do you eat due to stress? SlimSlim X and the bonus videos will teach and train you to overcome overeating!

Stress, anxiety, depression and "worry" are fear based emotions leaving you drained. 

Fill your day with positive programming — not just positive thinking. Program your mind to accomplish your goals! 

Your neocortex (logical brain) has tried to make you thin, but it's in conflict with the limbic and reptilian brains — where the subconscious mind dominates!

Here Is What Will Happen Through The 8-Weeks:

* Heal hurts from the past

* Enjoy healthy foods

* Have no interest in junk foods

* Comfortably manage portions

* Reduce stress and anxiety

* Boost your metabolism

* Stay motivated and focused

* Build strong confidence and esteem

* Eliminate self-sabotage

* Improve your sleep

* Learn to handle the critics

* Achieve weight goals enjoyably

* Feel full and satisfied on less

* Overcome needing comfort foods and bingeing 

"Relaxed" Confidence is CRITICAL for success:

What could you really achieve if you had more confidence and less self-doubt? More focus and less distractions? 

Self-belief — confidence in yourself —  is a requirement for accomplishing your dreams in this lifetime. 

How easily will you attain the body you desire AND ALL YOUR DREAMS and ?

Psychologists agree: Ninety five percent (95%) of a human being's daily behaviors are out of their awareness. 

Habits happen automatically — subconsciously — out of your awareness. 

Every exercise and dietary plan you've ever tried has required focused, CONSCIOUS, willful effort. 

That means when you try those methods you are using the 5% of their mind — conscious willpower — to try to change the 95% that's out of their conscious control. 

Without changing the beliefs you hold around food, exercise and who you are — failure results. 

Let me ask you: Are you done with failing? Are you ready to succeed? If you are, then this is your tool, your plan and your community!

Without the proper motivation, inspiration and releasing of conflicting beliefs and goals — failure happens.  Stop failing. Start Succeeding!

There is another way. It's called "subconscious re-programming." 

My name is John Farley, MA, PsyD. Hundreds of one on one clients have worked with me over the years. in 2017 I traveled to over 40 cities within three months, hypnotizing hundreds and hundreds of people to lose weight. I know the problems facing you if you've attempted to lose weight and haven't. 

The good news is that you CAN lose unwanted weight and ugly fat. You CAN increase your metabolism, lower your stress, increase your mental and emotional strength. You CAN — but you need help. You need the right plan. 

My credentials include: Professional fitness expert, nutritional counselor, master hypnotist, NLP certified practitioner and sports psychology specialist. (Did you know that fitness trainer, Bob Harper of is based on me when I was a personal fitness trainer? And did you know that Jack Lalanne, — known to tens of millions of people, has endorsed me? Visit

Here's what the program does for you: When you DE-program out the negative thoughts and feelings in your mind & body, and RE-program into your subconscious mind what you want and why having what you want is important to you, THEN you will be amazed and astonished at how quickly, easily and ENJOYABLY you are able to accomplish what you want. 

The subconscious mind is the key between living the life you are living and the life you could be living. 

De-program out the negative. 

Re-program into your subconscious the positive and notice how your thoughts, habits and behaviors improve. 

With better thoughts, habits and behaviors, your body will transform — your life will transform. 

Your subconscious mind is like the part of an iceberg under the water. It's vastly more expansive than the conscious mind — the visible portion of the iceberg. 

Positive Hypnosis will give you access to more of your potential.

(Albert Qian founder of Albert's List)

You Receive Multiple DIGITAL products in one bundle:

SleepSlim X (4 professionally recorded positive hypnosis sessions).

Unstoppable Confidence (4 professionally recorded hypnosis sessions,) 

Deep Asleep. Nine (1) professionally recorded hypnotic session, stories and processes in total, for life enhancing results. 

You receive 9 professional hypnosis sessions and 9 videos!

Clients wisely invest $1,500 - $3,000 for in-person sessions with me over several months to receive customized assistance and my full, focused attention.  You don't have to fly out to see me. This program is digital. You get a tremendous discount — in fact, your investment is far less than even one private session with me...

These products have been newly improved and re-released. 

Now is your opportunity to grab them, own them and benefit. 

Let's start with UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE. How important is confidence to a person's life? Your life? 

It's literally the difference between accomplishing your dreams and goals or falling short. A substantial increase in self-confidence — even if your self-confidence is "good" now — will enable you to improve in every meaningful area of life. 

Think about what that will mean for you, both short-term and long-term. Better career, better business, better relationships, better body...better life. 

SleepSlim X: Four (4) hypnotic sessions to improve exercise motivation, change eating habits and self-image. Focus your mind on the body you desire — see it, feel it, and become it!

Deep Asleep: Listen to this session before or during sleep. The hypnotic background music puts the brain into the ideal state for deep relaxation and you'll fall right off to sleep. All the while, your subconscious mind will be absorbing positive thoughts, words and images allowing you to become the person you are capable of becoming.

Bonuses Added:

* Video — Unconditional Living: Learn the attitude that will allow you to manage all challenging life conditions with great easy and success. (Very, very powerful!)

* Video — Mindfulness and Bilateral Stimulation (BLS): Learn the meditation technique that will give you clarity, focus and perspective on life. Use the BLS technique to "dissolve" the past traumas and micro-traumas that are causing you distress and leading to overeating/emotional/binge eating. 

* Videos — Ending Emotional Eating (Parts 1, 2, and 3)

* Videos: The "recorded live online" Hypnosis seminar: Part 1 and Part 2 — Thirty minutes of pure hypnosis. 

Guarantee: Use it for a full year. If you're not satisfied, we'll refund the purchase price.

What will you experience? (VERY IMPORTANT)

This is "Positive, Waking Hypnosis." That means that you will hear everything and be aware, even while you are in an altered state of consciousness. It's very subtle and most people, having never been hypnotized, don't even realize they were in a hypnotic state of mind — until their behaviors change automatically and the weight melts off. 

You will feel:

* Relaxed and calm.

* Consciously aware, yet a loss of self-consciousness — you'll feel "in the moment."

* Rested, peaceful, centered and "good." 

* Ready to take inspired action!

* Free and light, BECAUSE you will be dissolving the "resistance" and stuck emotions within your mind and body. 

Take action. Discover your own power awaiting to be unleashed! 

"What you are teaching people is life changing." 

Ben Sherwood, President of ABC television

(Dara Torres — 5 time Olympic Swimming Champion and Client)

"If you want to look better if you want to feel better if you want to enjoy life more, stay tuned to my friend John Farley!"

— , Jack Lalanne

The Optimal Performance Institute and Your Instructor:

John J. Farley, MA, PsyD, is an optimal performance specialist. John Farley was the youngest, and possibly last, certified hypnotist taught by the late, John Halpin (the personal hypnotist to many great boxers and is credited as the secret weapon who helped make Mike Tyson the heavy weight boxing world champion), John Farley understands the psychology of "winning." John has degrees from Cortland University and Teacher's College - Columbia University in exercise science & sports psychology as well as Harvard University Medical School (MindBody certificate) and The Optimal Performance Institute. As a master hypnotist, NLP practitioner and motivational speaker for youth and corporations, he has traveled the country and has appeared on ABC, NBC, PBS and worldwide television and national radio shows. 

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4) Unstoppable Confidence hypnosis sessions; (4) SleepSlim X; (1) Deep Asleep and 8 videos!

Each session is professionally produced. Approx. 30 - 45 minutes
$500 value now only $249.95
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Emerge (home bonus) Weight Loss System: 9 videos & 9 hypnosis audios! ($500 value. All DIGITAL!)

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